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"Don't Just Listen...Do" My Message 4.26.09
Not the best I've ever spoken...but tell me what you think about it!! Thanks!
It's not only the right question but the right answer.
Love Wins
Hi Mark...Jan-Michael here in Toronto, Canada and I just re-listened to your sermon, I had heard it when it first was downloaded to my iTunes podcasts but I was glad to listen again!
You spoke with certainty of faith, honesty and, yeah, humour that was good humour;not jokes but a phrase or change of intonation that worked!
Your message was clear and your voice was a pleasant tone. So, I think you did better than most of us could hope to have done, Mark.
Now, I want you to believe me so of course I have to say a couple of things (just two) that would have made it even better.
1)I was expecting all through the first 35 or minutes what you said in the last 7 minutes. Not that the whole was not really inspiring and good but(and I take responsibility for my expectations)I was thinking you were going to talk a bit about how your new role would be carried out and what we might do or how to contact you as "the point man" to use Bobby's words from his introduction, if I have his words right. You did talk about a few ways to help in the community and I hope I can find similar projects to mirror what is being done in Orange, right here where I am in Toronto.
2)Maybe you want to set-up your next talk such that "I am going to try to find examples of how Jesus tried to show us we all have something we can do and then I will have some info on what I expect to do, how you can help if you can and then we will close. Maybe then, some like me would not expect a list of things before a return to a sermon by Bobby, but rather that you, Mark were going to awe us with a great sermon and give us a list! One great package all from Mark's chops!( a little humour and yeah in Canada we spell humour with a "U" in the middle.
Mark, please return to speak again and I hope I have been able to express how well you sounded to me.
God is blessing us all
Thanks so much for your words of encouragement, your suggestions and humor (with "U" in the middle hahha)!
The talk i was giving was more of how look and see how we can put into action "Love". I may speak again in the future about what it is we see God leading our community to do as such. Currently we are seeing how we can help those with addictions ie; drugs, alcohol, porn, eating, cutting, etc (which is French for Et Cetra)... We haven't got anything formally formulated quite yet but i know God is always moving the hearts of those that belong to Him! We are doing our best to listen to where He's calling us!
Again thanks so much for the comments, i really appreciate them. May God richly bless you and the community where you live...
His Peace,
here was my first thought..."wow, mark sounds so so...grown up?" but then i realized that it was the person introducing you, ha!! i laughed out loud all by myself. always good to hear your heart. My daughter walked in while it was playing asked who it was. she then said that you sounded like the mayor on horton hears a who.
Thanks for the laughs!! The guy who introduced me is our pastor. He's actually younger than me (27) if you can believe it. I still sound like me then huh!?! Tell your daughter thanks a lot! I sound like Steve Carrel..i'll take that as a compliment :-D
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