My dream last night:

My friend picked me up for church. He had called me and asked if he could. I said sure but that I'd have to get there early to practice for worship. He didn't mind so long as we got a bite to eat before. We got to church had practice. Then service began. Then the musical part of the service. The music was good if not great. I wasn't leading but it was still the best I've ever played. I felt good about the music but bad about the way we were worshiping. We even ended the service with people sitting or kneeling on the ground as a sign of humility. The only problem was, it didn't seem like anyone was humbled. Somehow it felt like everyone was just as haughty as ever, which made me sad about the whole church service. As the time came for me to pack up my guitar and such I see my friend leaving the sanctuary seemly angry, not to mention I wasn't getting a ride home. I went after him to see what was up. He was angry but he wouldn't say why. I asked to wait a sec so I could get my stuff. He said, "couldn't someone else take you home. How about the lead singer from Coldplay?!" The truth was the lead singer was there at church that day, but no one seemed to pay him much attention either because they didn't know him or because they thought they were better than he was. Back to the scenario; I said "FINE!" to my friend...who wasn't being much of a friend and seeing how mad he was about stuff happening at church he wasn't doing much to counteract the trend he so despised! I turned and headed back towards the sanctuary, for I hadn't caught up to my friend until he crossed the street. On the way back I noticed the outside of the building was a gas station with lots of people filling up their cars. I saw another guy from church sitting in his car. I literally flew across the street and waved to that guy while flying. When I landed I got a lot of disgusted looks for what seemed like me being white. I said hello and went back inside the sanctuary to grab my guitar, that still wasn't packed in its case. Upon entering the building one of the elders told me we had to get out soon and pointed to the group assembling behind us. I told him I still had to get my guitar so they'd have to let me in. I got back into the building and the guy who was in charge of the group function, just another lay-person from the church, stops me and says, "Hey we have this building until 4pm you gotta get moving!" I said "Look, I am getting my guitar." He says, "Take a chill-pill, goi!" When I got further in I realized it was a birthday party. They weren't going to let me in because of a birthday party?! Lame, I thought. It took me two seconds to get my guitar packed up and leave the place.
1 comment:
Hey Mark,
I had a bad dream too (just kidding) but I did not get a Podcast of last Sunday's The Gathering and couldn't figure why. So, I started checking out all the blogs and startes to read your story and thought, I guess last Sunday some bad Karma was happening and that must be why the Service was not put on a Podcast!
Then, I say that your story was just a "bad Dream" and now I am back to wondering how come the service was not aired? If you guys need a hand to pay your podcast bill or light bill...again just kidding and remember.... Salah and breathe deeply!
Jan-Michael in Canada where it is 28C 82F today...but no palm trees like California. How come?
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