In discussions with friends and strangers, the Church seems to be in two categories in their focus on the Divine; it's either on the Now or the Forevermore (Later). You'll have a more liberal group say that God wants us to be happy, healthy and wise now; to politicize social issues like homelessness, sickness, starvation, etc... things which focus on the now.
Then, there are those who focus on the forevermore. As if we are to bide our time until forever starts, so that we'll be perfect "on that day". So they'll say, "here's books and study materials to use in order to know God as He is so you aren't surprised when you finally get to Heaven". Church is mentioned as a building where people are to gather, to be brought, to be talked to, or be changed by. The saying, "They are so heavenly minded they are of no Earthly good was talking about these".
However there seems to me a missing of the point, on both sides. The point of our existence doesn't seem to be limited to just enjoy life now as the "Now side" would think but, it's also it also isn't just a waiting period until Heaven is revealed as the "Forevermore's" act. To me it's both. Scripture says we were "saved unto good works". And Christ says to those in Revelation, "Depart from me you evil doers, for I never knew you" when they didn't visit the prisoners, feed the hungry, clothe the poor or befriend the stranger, even though they spoke many languages and drove out demons in the Name of Christ. So on the one hand we know that there is eternal life beyond even death, but on the other, does it start there? To me eternity starts here and now and continues after we leave this mortal construct! For the hungry need food, the strangers need friends, the Church needs to do more than open a door and offer a seat, it needs to offer life for both now and forevermore!! The Church needs to get outside it's walls and use it's hands and it's feet for they are the hands and feet of Christ, Himself. Christian people seem to feel no power of Christ; could it be that Christ isn't being exercised in them rather it seems that He's being exorcized out of them by either the lust of this world or the only the joys of the next, all the while missing Him in their midst. Christ said "what you've done to the least, You've done to me." Even Paul had the problem of which he'd rather do stay on earth for the benefit of his flock or be at peace in the sweet "by and by". While we are here in our mortal state we need to help fill needs of that state but not missing the needs of the spiritual and eternal one also.
May His Name be praised both NOW and FOREVERMORE!!
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