In my office i have hanging on the wall little reminders, reminders that tell me to say thank you to God for little things, big things and even in-between things. The reminders tell me to be thankful for other's big-small things and that there are others who, like me, forget from time to time and need reminders. Reminders of God's love, care, providence, leading, etc. Mostly reminders that God is still here still in charge and still leading. These are what a small group of people were thankful for on a particular Sunday, the small group of people was everyone who showed up to church that day. I love reading them and re-reading them. It reminds me to LOOK UP! It reminds me I'm not alone in my journey. It reminds be to be thankful for things that I forget to be thankful about. From the simple to the complex, from the weird to the straight-laced, the prayers go up daily and this wall reminds me of that. So I've put the wall up here so you can read it too and maybe be reminded as well!
HIS Peace!

Hi Mark...I too like to be a bit of a "Poster", puting reminders up to keep me remembering to take time to do simple things; like looking out my den loft window which has a great view of awesome trees and there are always birds and squirrels around.
God's world is so beatiful but life can get busy and so being a "poster boy" or a "pin-up boy"
as some people kid me is a good thing.
Stay in God's presence like he keeps us in His I like to say!
Scarborough, Toronto, Canada
Little Reminders I read again
Just re-reading your blogs and I came across this one I had posted a thought on, but I never commented or expected you had put up a picture of the notes and drawings of others for us to actually read! Or maybe I think I saw it and blamed my poor eyes for not being able to read it? Duh! Click the picture, maybe?
Mark didn't say anything about how to make it bigger/but let's click and...
There we go. Awesome full screen and a real feeling of connection to all who wrote and put notes up about such nice positive things in their lives!
Be patient with me Mark as I learn to use the new technologies
just as God has for sure been patient with me and brings me along into His grace.
Never think you are blog is read just for a short time as someone like me will return and catch something new that was there all along!
God is blessing you Mark and all those reading your blogs.
Scarborough, Toronto, Canada
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