Friday, August 14, 2009

Some funny for fun

These were funny and so i thought i'd post them for your enjoyment also....

This is for those who think worship is getting too mainstream:

Things you should NEVER say to your wife:

And last but not least this song is a bible story about a bible character from the bible:


Jan-Michael said...

Hi Mark and all the followers of this site.

Yeah, these are fun and ironically, anyone listening are likely to be drawn to the bible stories and thereby find a soul filling story!

My soul has been replenishes to overflowing with the new Robert Anthony Schuller sermon at

The video of RAS preaching on Pain and The Sermon on the Mount, I hope as many as possible see it, so I have posted the site above.

How wonderful to see Robert so easily step in to cover for his son Bobby who was not there to preach a recent Sunday. And the message was so inspiring!

For anyone who is suffering emotional or physical pain RAS certainly offered a soothing balm that was so well delivered!

It is drawing viewers from CCM OneCommunity and it has answered the patient prayers of many across the world to see and hear Robert preach again.

Thank you for all you do Mark to get the Videos and podcasrs on-line.

Looking forward to your next post but I guess in the meantime, with you, Donna, The Gathering, St Patrick Project, we can all thank the Lord for filling our cups and spirits to overflowing!

With Love and a prayer of thanks to He who is healing us through any difficult times,

Jan-Michael (Canada)

Markchop said...

Jan-Michael, thank you sir! I appreciate your comments and insight!

His Peace!