Looking at this picture it takes me back. Maybe it's because this picture was taken that way. I had just spent the day at this beach pretty much alone and undisturbed. It was a more chilly than beautiful day. Though the water was clear my thoughts seemed more clouded, that was until i just took it all in. I was at a beach in the middle of the day. Peace filled in the empty places. Loneliness replaced by the seeping rays of sunshine and the idea that i was alone on a beach but not lonely. Like Jack Kelly said in Newsies, "I'm alone but i ain't lonely..." It started to become real for me. I read the signs. I read the graffiti on the walls telling the non-locals to go home and the ones that say "ride the rail" "harness the wave" scrawled in surf wax. Written in passion. written with a purpose. Written to be known. The day seem to make an impact on me even though i had no big epiphany no vision of the future just a sense that I was in the Maker's hand and He loved me still and loved me in this stillness with which words failed to express, to grasp, to grant a way to see what happened within on a very ordinary day.
Ascending, what is known to locals as, the Thousand Steps I stopped turned looked back to what I just walked up. The shutter snapped this one. It shows the sea i played on and watched and reflected in. It shows the steps that seem to be grouped together in the most random of ways, groups of three sometimes five or ten. It doesn't allow you to fall into a rhythm of climbing. It makes you adjust your steps as you walk on higher with each step. I in this moment appreciate the heights I had climbed because I climbed something else that day and this picture allows me to remember that. To remember that the ocean day-break is at the end of steps. That the struggle to get there helps form us once we are there. That we should reflect on where we were to assure us that we are still making new ground. I feel like that. Like i've been to the depths and that when I got there it wasn't as dark as it looked and then there was healing, playing, love and comfort. With that hope i could ascend the Thousand Steps that still await me to take me to new heights and new adventures, maybe more depths but I know that too can lead to peace! His Peace to you, my friends!!!